Announcements Extension Newsroom Professional Development Webinars

Save the Date: June 22 for eXtension Webinar on Mental Health Awareness

Increasingly, Cooperative Extension professionals are coming in contact in their work with individuals affected by mental health problems. They may be clients, community members, co-workers or even family members or friends — both professional and personal contacts. Knowing how to help them or how to provide a bridge for them to find the help they need can be a daunting and distracting challenge.

Please save the date and join us on Wednesday, June 22, 2016, from 2:00-3:00 p.m., EST, for a new webinar, “The Importance of Mental Health Awareness for Extension Professionals.”

Developed and taught by Jami Dellifield, Family and Consumer Sciences Educator, and Amanda Raines, 4-H Program Assistant, both of Ohio State University Extension, Hardin County, this webinar focuses on educating Extension professionals about mental health problems, how to approach affected individuals and connect them with local resources, and how to develop a plan for use in a crisis situation.

Additional information can be found here: