Conferences/Meetings Information Professional Development

Web-Streamed Sessions From the National eXtension Conference


The National eXtension Conference is known nationwide as the big professional development event for the year that crosses all areas of Extension, but due to budget and time constraints not everyone will be in attendance. If you won’t be in Sacramento, we have some great news! You can still participate virtually during the keynote and general sessions as well as many of the concurrent sessions!

Learn includes a list of 56 conference sessions tagged nexconf that will be streamed live via the web for anyone who wants to participate at a distance. For an added bonus, each session will be recorded and available on YouTube after the conference, and linked from the events in Learn. You can be notified when a recording is available if you Follow that session in Learn.

To access the live events or set up notifications:
1. Go to
2. Sign in with your eXtension/Facebook/Twitter or Google account.
3. Follow sessions to get updates on the virtual sessions in your area of interest.
4. To receive notifications, click the Settings link at the top to add your phone number (and time zone in People). Click Save Changes.
5. Click Notifications to choose when you want to get text message or email notifications.
6. Ten (10) minutes prior to the start of each session click the Location link on the Learn event page to participate in the session live via Adobe Connect.

Want to become virtually involved in the conversations going on around the conference? Join us via social media by following the #NeXConf tag on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest!

We’re looking forward to your virtual participation!