
eXtension Development Committee

The Development Committee for the eXtension initiative has been established and will have its first meeting on Thursday, March 30, 1:00-3:00 eastern time. The committee is made up of representatives from several groups. They will assist the staff and governing committee to establish policies and procedures for the eXtension development program.

Members include Carl O’Connor, Executive Director, Association of North Central Extension Directors and representative from ECOP Finance Comimttee, Karen Hinton, University of Nevada and eXtension governing committee treasurer; Ron Brown, Executive Director, Association of Southern Regional Extension Directors; Lavon Bartel, University of Maine, governing committee member; Doyle Meadows, University of Tennessee and Mary Peabody, University of Vermont representing the CoPs; Steve Noah, Iowa State University, Barbara Casady, University of Missouri, and Donald Fry, Colorado State University representing land grant university development staff; Carolyn Hernandez, National 4-H Council; and Dan Cotton, Director, eXtension initiative and Betty Johnson, eXtension development officer representing staff.