
Beth Raney joins eXtension staff

BethRaneyThumbnail.jpgBeth Raney has joined eXtension as Professional Development Leader to provide professional development for Cooperative Extension faculty and staff on the use of eXtension developed and supported information technologies. Her appointment with eXtension began on March 1.

Beth’s training areas will include use of eXtension’s content management system, the various wiki spaces used for collaboration within eXtension, frequently asked questions, chat rooms, web conferencing, and other synchronous and asynchronous delivery tools.
Beth comes to eXtension from Penn State University’s Information & Communication Technologies unit in the College of Ag Sciences. She joined Penn State’s Extension Computer Services in 1984 as Computer Education Assistant following three and one-half years as an extension educator in western PA. Beth has collaborated with multi-state teams for training and the support arm of CYFERNet and Email: Beyond the Basics, as well as work as a part of national committees for both NETC and ACE.

Beth can be reached at: or by phone at 814-863-2525.