Announcements Food Systems Technology

1890 Land Grant Universities Launch Food System Mapping Demonstration Project

We all realize the importance of reporting impacts to our funders and policy makers. eXtension and a cohort of 1890 Land Grant Universities realized that they could not just provide data to these stakeholders, but must provide it in a way that visualizes the data in order to make it more useful to their stakeholders.

illustration of gps mappingFort Valley State University, Langston University, and Prairie View A&M University have partnered with Michigan State University and the eXtension Foundation to create a demonstration project of a mapping tool that will allow key audiences to see the impact of these universities on a neighborhood level.

The 1890 Extension Administrators of these universities envision that this planned tool will allow the universities to convey impact in the underserved populations, rather than numbers, and convey the human connections. Dr. Mark Latimore, Chair of the Association of Extension Administrators and Fort Valley State University Extension Administrator, stated “As the result of this pilot project, I visualize an increase in program participation by individuals seeking solutions to many challenges that can be solved through Extension. The buy-in to Extension will also increase.” For example, policy makers will be able to zoom to a neighborhood community center and see the impact the universities are making in order to make lifestyle changes. Additional links will contain video and related links.

Christine Geith, CEO of the eXtension Foundation, stated, “We hope that this demonstration project will open up more collaboration and networking opportunities between the Universities and their partners and provide Extension Administrators with the visualization information they need in developing program planning.”

The team of data experts from the universities is busy collecting data related to food systems in the areas they serve in order to meet the scheduled release of June 2016. For more information about the 1890 Food System Mapping Pilot, contact Terrence Wolfork, eXtension 1890 Liaison, at


Mapping Your Way to Better Engagement

Maps Provide Context and Connection

For over a century, Cooperative Extension has relied on face-to-face, on-the-ground approaches for engaging clients and partners, often relying on stories and pictures to share information and get feedback from our stakeholders. Maps have been a key part of many in-person Extension events throughout the years, serving as a starting point for discussions, a way to share local knowledge, and providing spatial information to inform decisions on a range of issues.

map with several data layers symbolized
Maps help to both spur and ground discussions

Online Maps Are Powerful Communication Tools

Online mapping offers the promise of a spatially relevant, interactive method for connecting to and with our audiences in ways not possible a few short years ago. It can allow Extension to continue place-based connection in a world where our traditional audiences, and new potential audiences, are increasingly looking for information online. It can serve as a platform to share relevant information, tell stories of our impacts, and provide people with the ability to explore issues that directly affect their lives. It can enable us to connect with our stakeholders before, during and after events (or, even if they don’t attend).

swipe map of whale sightings and marine debris observations
Interactive maps help communicate in engaging ways

The effective use of online mapping can be helpful across all levels and in all areas of Cooperative Extension. Many in Cooperative Extension are already using online mapping in their work, but many more are either not using it at all, or not using it to its fullest potential. Everyone throughout Cooperative Extension should be able to use spatial data and technology to promote their programs, engage stakeholders, and to make informed decisions.

Learn to Tell Your Story with Online Maps

In the coming months, we are conducting a series of four professional development webinars on how Cooperative Extension can use online maps to connect with their audience. Be sure to join us (or watch the recordings) to explore the ways in which online maps can be used in your work.

story map of university of new hampshire landmarks
Use online mapping to improve your communication

Using online maps to engage your audience – January 19, 2016
Making maps shine with ArcGIS Online – February 4, 2016
Share your story with maps – March 2, 2016
Create a photo-based map in a snap! – March 7, 2016

Keep Connected to Mapping 

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at UNH Cooperative Extension
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Image 1 – Map created by Shane Bradt, UNH Cooperative Extension using GRANITView II. Creative Commons license, attribution only.
Image 2 – Map created by Shane Bradt, UNH Cooperative Extension using ArcGIS Online. Creative Commons license, attribution only.
Image 3 – Map created by Shane Bradt, UNH Cooperative Extension using ArcGIS Online. Creative Commons license, attribution only.
Posted on February 1, 2016 at