
Ask an Expert Updates, Improves, Adds Features

Improved submitter sign-in page

When someone submits a question, they may view or edit it using a protected URL. If we don’t recognize the submitter (e.g. they are visiting using a different browser), we display a sign-in landing page. The landing page design has been cleaned up to make the actions more obvious for both submitter and signed-in experts.

The catalyst for this change is that we have gotten reports from submitters who received the evaluation, but missed the actual response. To address that issue, explicit wording has been added to the evaluation email indicating where they can view their response (which points to the protected URL described above.)



Improved question history

At the bottom of every question page (on the expert side) is the history of activity related to the question. This listing has been cleaned up and made much easier to scan and read. In particular, it’s easier to see who made what tag changes.



Location editing added to Helping Hand feature

The Helping Hand feature allows any expert to edit the away status and expertise tags for another expert. This can be useful if someone has gone on vacation and didn’t set their account as away, or if they have tags that need to be cleaned up. We just expanded this feature to include expertise locations. This addition can be useful to group leaders as it would allow them to help standardize location settings among members and ensure a better distribution of questions for that group.

Any changes made through the Helping Hand page are logged in the expert’s profile history. (The expert also gets a notification.) As a part of this release, location changes were added to the profile history, and the history display was updated to be easier to scan and read.

The history display update includes making it easier to see which tag was added or deleted. Previously, changes to tags were buried in a dense list of all tags. Now we only display the individual tag which was changed.



Better error/success message styling for widgets

We had reports that the feedback messages were not being noticed. The new styles make it much easier to see.
