Conferences/Meetings Information

Save the Date: NeXConf/NEDA Keynoter Jane Hart Presents Virtual Conference January 21


Jane Hart, a keynote speaker for the NeXConf/NEDA joint meeting March 24-28, 2014 in Sacramento, Calif., will present a virtual conference on Tuesday, January 21 at 2 p.m. ET (1 p.m. CT, Noon MT, 11 a.m. PT and 8 a.m. HT). The session is “Workplace Learning Revolution: How the Internet is Changing the Way We Learn at Work.” Jane will present the results of her Top 100 Tools for Learning 2013 compiled from the votes of more than 500 learning professionals (from education and workplace learning) worldwide. What does this tell us about the way we now learn? What does it mean for professional learning and development, education and training?

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Jane Hart is an independent Workplace Learning & Collaboration advisor, writer and international speaker. She is the founder of the Centre for Learning & Performance Technologies. Here she writes about how to support learning, performance and collaboration in the social workplace.

Learning in the Social Workplace, Jane Hart’s blog is found at

The title of Hart’s NeXConf/NEDA keynote address is “Next Generation Learning Practices in the Age of Knowledge Sharing and Collaboration.” For more information on the NeXConf/NEDA joint meeting go to